Mods Library Book Publication

Mod's Library publication distributed to 10,000 avid readers through subscribing bookstores and public libraries

TRENDINGBook review


There have been more than three bodies found at the city, there was an unknown serial killer on the loose. When another body was found, Alyssa a Detective assigned to the case wondered if that was her sister as she had gone missing for days. She was broken when she found out that her sister had been murdered and the killer had left a note describing every detail of the act and how much he enjoyed it. The Detective Alyssa and her team became more desperate in finding the killer. How far will she go to arrest this monster? Could the killer be one of the police officers? Watch out for suspense, romance, thriller, mystery, and danger.

BOOKSThis month

Loved by Night: Trapped in the Triangle of Love.

Read Reviews by My Readers

Vladimir Nabokov

/ Reporter

" Mod's Library is a book review publication distributed to 10,000 avid readers through subscribing bookstores & public libraries."

Savanna Walker

/ Reporter

" It was a dark night, with only occasional scattered lights, glittering like stars on the plain. It flashed upon me suddenly: they were going to shoot me!"

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